Senin, 11 Mei 2009


Pas jalan2 ke blogger tetangga dpt info menarik neh.. thankx bro... gw udah gabung pk refferal ID loe.. so loe dpt downline baru dunk... jangan lupa bagi2 dollarnya yah... heheheh

Surfing di bayar............
Sebuah program penghasil uang yang sangat mudah untuk diterapkan. Cukup memasang tickbar di komputer anda, tiap jam anda akan mendapatkan uang. Anda hanya diminta untuk menginstal tickbar (seperti display iklan) di komputer anda. Semua proses pendaftaran gratis. Program ini hanya boleh satu komputer untuk satu account saja. Untuk itu anda harus mencari teman/downline untuk melakukan hal yang sama seperti anda. Di bawah ini list uang yang akan anda terima perbulannya jika berhasil mengumpulkan downline.
$1/bulan : 10 downline
$10/ bulan : 100 downline
$100/bulan : 1000 downline
$1000/ bulan : 10000 downline
dan seterusnya.....................

Anda akan dibayar setelah 60 hari mengikuti program ini dan jika telah terkumpul minimal $90.

Dapet uang/bulan dengan modal 100% GRATIS
Bila Anda TERTARIK.....!!! saya akan memandu Anda tahap demi tahap.


1. Klik DiSINI untuk masuk menu pendaftaran kemudian masukkan email anda
2. Isi First Name dengan Nama Depan Anda
3. Isi Last Name dengan Nama belakang Anda
4. Isi Birthday dengan Tanggal Lahir Anda
5. Pilih Gender: Male(Pria) Female (wanita)
6. Pilih Own Credit Card: Yes (bila mempunyai kartu kredit) dan No (bila tidak punya)
7. Pilih Country: Negara tempat tinggal Anda
8. Do you Agree with the TERMS OF SERVICE?: Pilih YES (untuk setuju dengan ketentuan yang ada)
9. Klik Go to STEEP 2

1. Isi Password dengan kode rahasia Anda dan hanya Anda yang tahu
2. Isi Confirm dengan kode rahasia yang tadi Anda isikan harus sama dengan yang pertama untuk memastikan password tadi benar seperti yang Anda maksud.
3. Isi Password Question dengan pertanyaan rahasia, yang nantinya akan digunakan bila Anda lupa dengan password pertama tadi.
4. Isi Password Answer dengan Jawaban dari pertanyaan Anda masukkan pada Password Question
5. Pilih Time Zone dengan Vietnam Standart Time (VST) atau yang lebih mendekati dengan Jam dimana Anda saat ini.
6. Isi Phone Number dengan Kode Negara Kode Area Nomor (contoh: 62 24 70456789)
7. Pilih Spoken Language dengan Other Asian Languages
8. Pilih Secondary Language dengan English
9. Isi Street Address dengan Alamat Anda yang utama
10. Isi Street Address_2 dengan Alamat Anda yang kedua bila ada bila tidak ada kosongkan saja
11. Isi City/Region dengan kota tempat tinggal Anda
12. Isi State/Province dengan Provinsi kota tempat Anda tinggal
13. Isi Zip/Postal Code dengan Kodepos yang terdaftar di kantorpos
14. Pilih Occupation bisa disesuikan dengan pekerjaan Anda/status pekerjaan Anda
15. Pilih Income dengan Gambaran Pendapatan Anda per tahun bila tidak ada yang mendekati pilih saja less than 24.999
16. Kemudian klik Go to Final STEP

Kemudian klik Activate Account!

Tunggu beberapa saat kemudian akan muncul


Setelah anda download file tersebut
Lalu install file tersebut dengan mengklik 2 x (double klik).
setelah anda klik akan muncul seperti di bawah ini

Pastikan Komputer sedang terkoneksi Internet Lalu Klik OK

Bila Nama yang ditampilkan sama dengan Nama yang Anda daftarkan Klik Yes

Kemudian Klik No-Question-Asked Installation

Kemudian Klik Yes, I do

Proses Instal Selesai

Kemudian Lihat Pada Tool Sebelah kanan bawah

Kemudian Klik 2x (double klik). Lakukan ini bila Anda ingin Online

Ini Adalah TickerBar yang Aktif

Ingat Jangan Mengaktifkan TickerBar 24 Jam, Karena Akan dicurigai dan Account Anda akan dihapus.

Selanjutnya tugas Anda hanya mengajak 10 teman atau lebih. Gunakan Referral URL anda untuk mengajak teman anda bergabung menjadi downline anda. Makin banyak makin cepat pula target mencapai pendapatan Rp.
Untuk melihat URL anda silahkan Log in terlebih dahulu

Make sure you're registered... CLICK HERE to join

Pastikan bahwa Refferal ID nya: 217174510

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Minggu, 10 Mei 2009


Internet berkembang pesat di Indonesia. Cara mendapatkan duit di rumah membuka potensi baru bagi kita semua. Dengan sendirinya ini membuka wacana baru tentang bagaimana meningkatkan income lewat internet. Sampai saat ini sudah banyak yang membuka situs ataupun web bagi para anggotanya yang pasif income atau tinggal dirumah.
Pada kesempatan ini ijikan saya menerangkan situs yang masih baru dan berstatus masih model beta kepada saudara/i semua. Anda sudah tahu belum situs yang bernama VineFire? Jika belum, saya ingin memberikan sedikit info bahwa VineFire adalah merupakan situs periklanan berbasis link yang membayar membernya dengan cara-cara :
  • join
  • klik iklan
  • memberikan vote
  • undang teman
Anda akan mendapatkan :
  • $50 Gratis untuk Join (Free)
  • $0.12 setiap pasang iklan
  • $0.45 setiap mengklik link atau melihat iklan orang lain
  • $0.55 setiap melakukan Vote terhadap iklan orang lain
  • 50% bonus dari teman yang anda referensikan
Gimana luar biasa bukan? Bila Anda kunjungi situs ini, Sejenak Anda akan dibawa ketampilan sebagai berikut:

Anda klik satu kali tulisan yang berada diatas yaitu Join now. dan segera Anda akan dibawa kelayar form registrasi berikut ini:
Masukkan alamat e-mail Anda sekarang. Pada kotak e-mail. dan tekan tombol go!
Sekarang Anda check e-mail Anda dan klik tulisan berikut! dibawah yang berwarna biru yaitu yang bertuliskan "CONFIRM VISITING THE LINK BELOW".Segera Anda Klik, maka segera Anda akan mendapatkan penghasilan.
Anda boleh daftar klik disini.

Apa yang Anda dapatkan dengan bergabung disini?
Hasilkan cash dalam hitungan menit
Gratis untuk bergabung tampa biya sepeserpun 100% FREE

Apakah Anda mencari kesempatan bisnis dirumah atau usaha sendiri, yang membayar Anda ratusan atau ribu dolar per bulan?
Vinefire adalah jawaban semua itu. Sebuah tempat dimana peluang kerja sendiri dan bisnis dirumah sesuai minat Anda.
Anda bisa berpenghasilan dengan memperhatikan dan melakukan voting pada situs yang di linkkan oleh mereka. lihat sample link yang dijadikan target dibawah ini!! Anda klik link yang seperti berikut:

Pokoknya betul-betul Free alias Gratis deh. Lelah membaca? Anda juga bisa melihat video.

Anda akan memperoleh uang dari Vinefire senilai $0.54 untuk setiap link yang Anda ikuti, juga $0.12 setiap kali Anda memberikan voting pada link tersebut.

Jadi, jangan lupa untuk selalu memberikan voting! Promosikan Setiap Penawaran dengan GRATIS! Setelah Anda bergabung,
Anda dapat mengarahkan trafik Anda dalam waktu kurang dari 2 menit.
Jadi bergabunglah sekarang, kemudian klik tag Add link di bagian atas halaman!
Caranya sangat mudah. Selain untuk meningkatkan trafik ke link Anda, Anda akan memperoleh uang dari Vinefire setiap kali orang memberikan voting Anda mendapatkan langsung dari Vinefire: $ 0,04 ( Meski harga ini dapat berubah sewaktu waktu.)
Selain itu bergabung mendapat uang lewat ClickBank Anda bahkan bisa memperoleh penghasilan lebih lewat Program Afiliasi ClickBank. Setelah bergabung, Periksa halaman “Tell a friend” untuk lebih jelasnya. ClickBank mengirimkan pembayaran satu minggu atau dua minggu tergantung bagaimana Anda mengatur akun Anda dengan mereka. Bahkan banyak cara ke arah perolehan duit. Gunakan metode berikut ini untuk lebih berpenghasilan lebih banyak dengan akun Vinefire:
Saat ini Anda akan mendapatkan 50% dari penghasilan teman-teman Anda. Setiap kali mereka mengklik link, voting pada link, atau menambahkan link.

Tingkatkan limit Anda.
Saat ini, Anggota baru hanya dapat penghasilan hingga $10.00/hari, Langsung dari Vinefire.
Jika Anda ingin berpenghasilan lebih, Anda dapat melakukan verifikasi akun Anda dengan biaya yang murah hanya senilai($5 ). Verifikasi Akun Anda berlangsung sekitar 2 menit dan akan segera menaikkan batas penghasilan harian Anda menjadi $ 100.00/hari. Hebat bukan
KLIK DISINI untukBergabung Sekarang!

Bukti Berbayar.
Anda dapat mengunjungi situs dengan alamat berikut:

Kapan saya akan mendapat bayaran?
Ada banyak cara untuk mendapatkan uang dan Anda akan dapatkan bayaran bila Anda bergabung bersama Vinefire. Jadi kita akan melalui cara yang paling umum untuk memperoleh penghasilan. Saat ini, Vinefire sedang dalam model "beta" dan tidak akan mengirimkan pembayaran lansung selagi Anda dapat dolar dalam akun Anda. Vinefire akan membayar Anda secara akumulatif.Sebenarnya, Penghasilan orang-orang adakalanya naik atau adakalanya turun berdasarkan keberhasilan web site mereka. Silahkan Anda Baca “Terms And Conditions” disini untuk lebih jelasnya.Tujuan utama adalah agar website Vinefire dapat diterima olah banyak perusahaan dan cashout untuk Anda akan segera datang dalam waktu yang singkat. Vinefire berharap penjualan dapat direalisir dalam waktu 6 bulan hingga 8 bulan ... tetapi kalau bisa lebih cepat.Verifikasi akun mereka, atau dengan membeli IconPack, atau melakukan setiap pembelian dari Vinefire.Sekali lagi, lewat ClickBank mengirimkan pembayaran satu minggu atau dua minggu tergantung bagaimana Anda mengatur akun Anda.

Selamat bergabung bersama kami. Dapatkan sumber income bari bagi keluarga Anda!..

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Jumat, 08 Mei 2009

6 Cara Menghilangkan Virus Penyerang Yahoo Messenger

virus yahoo messenger

virus yahoo messenger

Bagi teman2 yang suka chat messenger dan yang sering memakai multi messenger untuk chat, mungkin anda pernah terkena virus yahoo messenger, Serangan virus Coutsonif.A yang mengancam pengguna Yahoo Messenger dan Skype patut diwaspadai. orang yang membuat virus ini cukup cerdik, Virus ini menyebar dengan mengirimkan dirinya ke semua kontak yang ada dalam alamat aplikasi tersebut dari komputer yang terinfeksi. sebel banget kan kalau ym kita yang kena, makanya bagi teman2 yang saat ini lagi pengin tau cara membuat virus, mending jangan di terusin deh, kasian tuh yang sudah kena :)

Dari screen shot Pesan diatas, sekilas seperti pesan pada umumnya. Namun jangan sampai mengklik link yang diberikan, sekalipun dikirimkan oleh teman Anda. Pasalnya, pesan tersebut sebenarnya bukan dikirimkan oleh rekan Anda, melainkan oleh virus yang telah berhasil menginfeksi komputer rekan Anda.

Nah, jika sudah terinfeksi, maka secara otomatis ia akan membuat nama file acak dengan ekstensi .tmp dan .exe yang akan disimpan di direktori [C:\Documents and Settings\%user%\Local Settings\Temp] dengan nama yang berbeda-beda.

Kalau sudah begini, user hanya bisa pasrah dan tak tenang beraktifitas di internet lagi. Bahkan, bisa-bisa nama baiknya pun rusak karena dituduh telah membuat virus dan menyebarkan virus juga. Sebab, si penerima pesan menduga temannya yang sengaja mencelakakan dirinya dengan mengiriminya virus.

Makanya, sebelum kejadian itu terjadi. Ada baiknya Anda simak 6 cara jitu cara menghilangkan virus chat messenger perusak nama baik yang menyerang aplikasi ini seperti dilansir Vaksincom:

1. Disable ‘System Restore’ selama proses pembersihan.
2. Disable autorun Windows, agar virus tidak dapat aktif secara otomatis saat akses ke drive /flash disk.

  • Klik tombol ’start’
  • Klik ‘run’
  • Ketik ‘GPEDIT.MSC’, tanpa tanda kutip. Kemudian akan muncul layar ‘Group Policy’
  • Pada menu ‘Computer Configuration dan User Configuration’, klik ‘Administrative templates’
  • Klik ‘System’
  • Klik kanan pada ‘Turn On Autoplay’, pilih ‘Properties’. Kemudian akan muncul layar ‘Tun on Autoplay propeties’
  • Pada tabulasi ‘Setting’, pilih ‘Enabled’
  • Pada kolom ‘Tun off Autoplay on’ pilih ‘All drives’
  • Klik ‘Ok’

3. Matikan proses virus, gunakan tools ’security task manager’ kemudian hapus file [sysmgr.exe, vshost.exe, winservices.exe, *.tmp]

Sekedar catatan, .tmp menunjukan file yang mempunyai ekstensi TMP [contoh: 5755.tmp]. Klik kanan pada file tersebut dan pilih ‘Remove’, lalu pilih opsi ‘Move File to Quarantine’.

4. Repair registry yang sudah diubah oleh virus. Untuk mempercepat proses penghapusan / cara menghilangkan virus, silahkan salin script dibawah ini pada program notepad kemudian simpan dengan nama repair.inf. Jalankan file tersebut dengan cara: Klik kanan repair.inf, lalu pilih instal.

Provider=Vaksincom Oyee



HKLM, Software\CLASSES\batfile\shell\open\command,,,”"”%1″” %*”
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\comfile\shell\open\command,,,”"”%1″” %*”
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\exefile\shell\open\command,,,”"”%1″” %*”
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\piffile\shell\open\command,,,”"”%1″” %*”
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\regfile\shell\open\command,,,”regedit.exe “%1″”
HKLM, Software\CLASSES\scrfile\shell\open\command,,,”"”%1″” %*”
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon, Shell,0, “Explorer.exe”
HKCU, SessionInformation, ProgramCount, 0×00010001,3
HKCU, AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\Explorer\BlockedPopup\.current,,,”C:\WINDOWS\media\Windows XP Pop-up Blocked.wav”
HKCU, AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\Explorer\EmptyRecycleBin\.Current,,,”C:\Windows\media\Windows XP Recycle.wav”
HKCU, AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\Explorer\Navigating\.Current,,,”C:\Windows\media\Windows XP Start.wav”
HKCU, AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\Explorer\SecurityBand\.current,,,”C:\WINDOWS\media\Windows XP Information Bar.wav”


HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, Microsoft(R) System Manager
HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, bMaxUserPortWindows Service help
HKLM, SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters, MaxUserPort

5. Hapus file virus berikut:
C:\vshost.exe [all drive]

C:\autorun.inf [all drive]


C:\Documents and Settings\%user%\Local Settings\Temp

A415.tmp [acak]

034.exe [acak]






6. Untuk pembersihan optimal dan mencegah infeksi ulang silahkan gunakan antivirus yang dapat mendeteksi dan menghilangkan virus ini up to date. Anda juga dapat download tools Norman Malware Cleaner di

Semoga artikel cara menghilangkan virus ini bisa bermanfaat bagi anda, supaya virus yahoo messenger tidak muncul lagi di ym kita :)

Sumber info:

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Selasa, 05 Mei 2009

Computer Virus

What The Hell has happened....

Those words that came to my mouth this morning....

Some of company PC's attacked by the virus this week.. wheew...

User's read my lips.. 'STOP PLAYING AROUND with what you browse...!'


A computer virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer without the permission or knowledge of the owner. The term "virus" is also commonly but erroneously used to refer to other types of malware, adware, and spyware programs that do not have the reproductive ability. A true virus can only spread from one computer to another (in some form of executable code) when its host is taken to the target computer; for instance because a user sent it over a network or the Internet, or carried it on a removable medium such as a floppy disk, CD, DVD, or USB drive. Viruses can increase their chances of spreading to other computers by infecting files on a network file system or a file system that is accessed by another computer.[1][2]

The term "computer virus" is sometimes used as a catch-all phrase to include all types of malware. Malware includes computer viruses, worms, trojan horses, most rootkits, spyware, dishonest adware, crimeware, and other malicious and unwanted software), including true viruses. Viruses are sometimes confused with computer worms and Trojan horses, which are technically different. A worm can exploit security vulnerabilities to spread itself to other computers without needing to be transferred as part of a host, and a Trojan horse is a program that appears harmless but has a hidden agenda. Worms and Trojans, like viruses, may cause harm to either a computer system's hosted data, functional performance, or networking throughput, when they are executed. Some viruses and other malware have symptoms noticeable to the computer user, but many are surreptitious.

Most personal computers are now connected to the Internet and to local area networks, facilitating the spread of malicious code. Today's viruses may also take advantage of network services such as the World Wide Web, e-mail, Instant Messaging, and file sharing systems to spread.

For Details follow this links :

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Null in MYSQL

5 + NULL = ....? (0, 5 atau NULL), jawabnya adalah NULL bukan 0 apalagi 5..,

jadi hati-hati dengan nilai NULL ini, soalnya seringkali kita mengabaikan
nilai ini, terutama pada saat membuat database table dan memilih default value..,
padahal secara default sudah muncul NULL, nah disinilah perlu waspada..,

Masalah ini kalau dibiarkan akan berakibat sangat merepotkan, terutama pada
saat kita melakukan perhitungan dengan menggunakan field-field yang mempunyai
nilai NULL tersebut, karena walaupun bagaimana akan menghasilkan NULL.

Mungkin lebih baik menggunakan defaul 0 (nol), ini akan lebih aman karena
5 + 0 = 5, jadi perhitungan pasti akan menghasilkan sesuai dengan harapan.

NULL sendiri adalah bukan merupakan suatu nilai alias kosong, sedangkan
0 (nol) adalah nilai yang besarnya nol. Lihat aja query dibawah ini:

select if( - 5 <>menampilkan 'salah'
select if( 5 <>menampilkan 'salah'

tapi coba query berikut:

select if( - 5 <>menampilkan 'betul'
select if( 5 <>menampilkan 'salah'

ini berarti null, nggak bisa dipakai sebagai besaran karena apapun dioperasikan
terhadapnya akan menghasilkan null. Apa yang ter jadi jika anda lakukan query
berikut :

select sales, sum(amount) as ttl_amt from slstbl group by sales

sementara ada salah satu record yang amountnya 'null', bahaya...........,

implikasinya, kalo anda inging mengontrol variable dari nilai null ini, harus menggunakan
cara yang sedikit berbeda, lihat cara dibawah ini:

Set $Res =0;
Set $Ttl =0;
Set $Num =0

Cnt_Loop : Loop
Set $Num = $Num + 1;
if $Num > 10 then
leave Cnt_loop;
end if;

Set $Ttl = ( Select Sum(Amount)
From SalesTbl
Where SlsNam = 'Danu'

if $Ttl then <<<<======= mengontrol variable dari adanya NULL Set $Res = $Res + $Ttl; end if; end loop Cnt_Loop;

jadi pada saat mengontrol, tidak dilakukan dengan cara membandingkan nilai tersebut
dengan null if $Ttl = null then akan tetapi dengan cara mengecek apakah variable tersebut
ada nilainya if $Ttl then..,,

kalo didalam dunia pemrograman, hal ini sudah akan dideteksi pada saat mengcompile
program berupa 'variabel are not defined' atau 'variable are not initialized'
thank to world of programming.

tambahan info, variable kosong juga bernilai salah di perl

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Shout box atau SB adalah salah satu bagian penting yang biasanya ada pada aneka Blog.

SB merupakan sebuah “kotak” yang disediakan pemilik blog bagi pengunjung yang datang ke blognya untuk meninggalkan pesan atau komentar dengan cara yang cukup simple – mengetikkan nama, web atau email, lalu pesan yang ingin disampaikan.

Disetiap postingan dalam blog biasanya memang sudah disediakan tempat untuk meninggalkan komen, namun shout box masih jadi favorit karena tidak semua orang yang mengunjungi blog teman-temannya memiliki waktu yang cukup banyak untuk meninggalkan komen disetiap akhir postingan.

Ada yang hanya ingin menanyakan kabar si pemilik blog ataupun sekedar
ngobrol yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan isi postingan si pemilik blog

Ada beberapa macam shoutbox gratisan yang bisa dipilih.

1. Oggix (

Tahap-tahap registernya mudah dan cepat.
Setelah mendaftar, anda akan mendapat verification email dari
pihak Oggix yang berisi verification code berupa link yang harus diklik untuk mengaktifkan keanggotaan.

Kelebihan Oggix lainnya:

a. Dapat memilih tipe shoutbox yang diinginkan.
b. Dapat memilih warna shoutbox yang sudah tersedia.
c. Dapat meng-upload avatar.
d. Dapat menjawab pesan teman dari situs Oggixnya langsung
(tentu saja setelah log in).
d. Memiliki smileys

a. Saat menjawab pesan teman, tidak dapat menggunakan smileys.
b. Tidak dapat menggunakan tanda baca "tanda kutip".

2. Shoutmix (

Kalau dibandingkan dengan Oggix, tahap registrasinya lebih lama
karena email verification dari pihak Shoutmix biasanya baru muncul setelah satu hari. Kalau tidak sabar, verifikasikan saja secara manual dengan cara
mengirim email kosong, isi subject ID anda ke

Kelebihan Shoutmix:
a. Dapat memilih model SB yang diinginkan -- model yang
standar (kotak biasa) atau model yang blend in dengan warna layout blog.
b. Dapat memilih warna dan jenis font.

a. Smileysnya hanya tersedia hitam putih.
b. Tidak bisa menjawab pesan pengunjung langsung di bawah pesan yang
c. Tidak menyediakan avatar

3. Shouthuns (

Shouthuns hampir sama dengan Oggix,
Kelebihannya adalah dapat menggunakan Smileys setiap saat.
Tidak hanya saat orang menulis pesan namun juga saat anda membalas pesan tersebut.

Kekurangannya? Tidak menyediakan avatar.

Sekarang ini Shouthuns tidak menerima pendaftaran baru lagi. Tidak dijelaskan kenapa dan kapan akan membuka pendaftaran kembali.

4. Doneeh (

Dari mulai registrasi, mudah sekali.
Karena pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diajukan bagi calon pengguna shout box ini tidak banyak, hanya pertanyaan standar seperti nama lengkap, alamat email dan blog, juga username dan password yang dipilih.

Doneeh juga menyediakan tempat supaya bisa membalas pesan teman
secara langsung.

Sama dengan Oggix dan Shouthuns, disini anda dapat meng-customize SB. Memilih jenis dan warna font, juga warna background SB tersebut. walaupun tanpa fasilitas Smileys.

Bila blog anda termasuk blog yang berisi artikel-artikel informasi (yang tergolong resmi, seperti artikel tentang kesehatan, jualan, dll) Doneeh merupakan pilihan yang tepat karena tampilannya yang tidak terlau mencolok.

Sementara bila anda menggunakan blog hanya untuk jurnal sehari-hari, Oggix bisa jadi pilihan karena menyediakan aneka tipe dengan warna-warna yang ceria (pink, biru, hijau dan kuning).

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Senin, 04 Mei 2009

The Four Empires of Daniel's Prophecies

Among the Jewish captives taken from Judah and exiled to Babylon was a young man whose Hebrew name was Daniel, renamed Belteshazzar by the Babylonians (Daniel 1:1-7). Daniel lived in the remarkable times of the downfall of the kingdoms of both Judah and Babylon. He served as a high official in both the Babylonian government and that of its successor, the Medo-Persian Empire.

imageDaniel's book prophesied events fulfilled many centuries ago as well as major events yet to come. It reveals a history of the region, written in advance, from Daniel's time right up to the return of Jesus Christ.

Yet at the end of the book God instructed Daniel to "shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase" (Daniel 12:4). This indicates that certain major prophecies that previously wouldn't have made sense will be understandable as the end approaches.

The prophecies of Daniel provide proof of the accuracy of the Bible. Many of his prophecies are so detailed and specific that they have long confounded Bible critics.

In fact, some skeptics have not challenged the content of Daniel's prophetic accuracy. Rather than admit that his words are indeed inspired, they have simply labeled his book a fraud. They claim that it was not written by Daniel in the sixth century B.C.—timing which is evident by events written of in the book—but that it was penned by an unknown author in the 160s B.C., long after many of the events prophesied in the book came to pass. This, the critics allege, is the real reason for the book's startling prophetic accuracy!

Daniel's testimony challenges the critics. But let's first consider the nature of the critics' approach. They dispute Daniel's authorship because he refers to himself in the early chapters in the third person, as if writing about someone else. However, as The Expositor's Bible Commentary points out, this "was the custom among ancient authors of historical memoirs ..." (1985, Vol. 7, p. 4). In relating some of his experiences Daniel did write in the first person (Daniel 7:15; 8:15; 9:2; 10:2).

The identity of Daniel's critics is significant as well. The first person to question the authenticity of Daniel's authorship was the Greek scholar and historian Porphyry, who lived A.D. 233-304. He is labeled by historians as a Neoplatonist, which means he subscribed to the doctrines of the Greek philosopher Plato rather than the Bible. "Porphyry is well known as a violent opponent of Christianity and defender of Paganism" (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edition, Vol. 22, p. 104, "Porphyry").

Since Porphyry was an enemy of Christianity, his objectivity is open to question. He had no factual basis for his opinion, and his view contradicted the testimony of Jesus Christ, who referred to Daniel as the author of the book (Matthew 24:15).

The biblical scholar Jerome (A.D. 340-420) refuted Porphyry's contention. Thereafter no one took Porphyry's remarks seriously again until many centuries later. "... He was more or less dismissed by Christian scholarship as a mere pagan detractor who had allowed a naturalistic bias to warp his judgment. But during the time of the Enlightenment in the eighteenth century, all supernatural elements in Scripture came under suspicion ..." (Expositor's, p. 13).

Some of today's scholars with liberal leanings have recycled these centuries- old arguments. Old Testament historian Eugene Merrill says their beliefs are built on feeble evidence. "[Daniel's] rhetoric and language are eminently at home in the sixth century [B.C.] ... It is only on the most subjective and circular lines of evidence that the man and his writing have been denied historicity" (Kingdom of Priests, 1996, p. 484).

Phenomenal prophecy and fulfillment

imageThe accuracy of Daniel's prophecies of remotely distant events is spectacular. For example, in the "70 weeks" prophecy recorded in Daniel 9:24-27, "Daniel predicts the precise year of Christ's appearance and the beginning of his ministry in A.D. 27" (Expositor's, p. 9).

Another amazing prophecy recorded by Daniel is his interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's dream in chapter 2. In the second year of his reign the Babylonian king had a troubling dream that none of his counselors could explain. Babylonian culture placed considerable emphasis on dreams, and Nebuchadnezzar was convinced that this one was of great importance (Daniel 2:1-3).

His dream gives us a "disclosure of God's plan for the ages till the final triumph of Christ" and "presents the foreordained succession of world powers that are to dominate the Near East till the final victory of the Messiah in the last days" (Expositor's, pp. 39, 46).

Without prior knowledge of its content, Daniel explained the details of the dream to Nebuchadnezzar: "You, O king, were watching; and behold, a great image! This great image, whose splendor was excellent, stood before you; and its form was awesome. This image's head was of fine gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of clay" (Daniel 2:31-33).

Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar that his Babylonian Empire was represented by the head of gold (verses 37-38). The silver, bronze and iron components of the image, or statue, represented three powerful empires that were to follow mighty Babylon (verses 39-40).

This interpretation provided an astounding preview of history. Nebuchadnezzar's dream occurred and was interpreted by Daniel about 600 B.C. The image represented, in symbolic form, the sequence of great empires that would dominate the region's political scene for centuries.

"The silver empire was to be Medo- Persia, which began with Cyrus the Great, who conquered Babylon in 539 ... This silver empire was supreme in the Near and Middle East for about two centuries" (Expositor's, p. 47).

"The bronze empire was the Greco-Macedonian Empire established by Alexander the Great ... The bronze kingdom lasted for about 260 or 300 years before it was supplanted by the fourth kingdom" (ibid.).

"Iron connotes toughness and ruthlessness and describes the Roman Empire that reached its widest extent under the reign of Trajan" (ibid.). Trajan reigned as emperor A.D. 98-117, and the Roman Empire itself ruled for many centuries.

The fourth empire was depicted as having 10 toes. The feet and toes were composed partly of iron and partly of clay, as verse 41 explains. "Verse 41 deals with a later phase or outgrowth of this fourth empire, symbolized by the feet and ten toes—made up of iron and earthenware, a fragile base for the huge monument. The text clearly implies that this final phase will be marked by some sort of federation rather than by a powerful single realm" (ibid.). (For more details, request or download our free booklet The Book of Revelation Unveiled.)

Another dream adds important details

Additional aspects of this succession of world-ruling empires were revealed to Daniel in a later dream. This time the four empires were represented by four beasts: a lion (Babylonian Empire), a bear (Medo-Persian Empire), a leopard (Greco-Macedonian Empire) and a fourth beast described as "terrible" and unlike the other three (Daniel 7:1-7).

Notice what verse 7 says about this fourth creature: "After this I saw in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, exceedingly strong. It had huge iron teeth [paralleling the iron legs of the prior dream]; it was devouring, breaking in pieces, and trampling the residue with its feet. It was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns."

What does this description mean? It too is a reference to the great power of Rome, which crushed all who opposed it. "Thus the superior power of the colossus of Rome ... is emphasized in the symbolism of this terrible fourth beast" (Expositor's, p. 87).

Verse 8 of Daniel 7 elaborates on the 10 horns: "I was considering the horns, and there was another horn, a little one, coming up among them, before whom three of the first horns were plucked out by the roots." Later in the chapter we see that this little horn exalts himself to the position of an internationally powerful religious leader (verses 24-25), even commanding a false religious system that persecutes the true followers of God.

Daniel 7:9-14 takes us right through to Christ's establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth: "Then to Him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and His kingdom the one which shall not be destroyed." So this Roman system, through its periodic revivals down through history, continues right to the time of the end when Jesus Christ returns to rule the earth.

Revelation 17 also helps us in understanding this end-time power. In this chapter it is again depicted as a beast, but now we see that its final manifestation includes 10 "kings"—leaders of nations or groups of nations—who "receive authority for one hour" with the ruler of this end-time superpower, an individual the Bible refers to as "the beast" (Revelation 17:12-13). This final revival of the Roman Empire leads into Christ's return as they "make war with the Lamb" (verse 14).

All of this concurs with Daniel 2:44, which obviously indicates that the second coming of Christ will occur in a time during which vestiges of the fourth beast or kingdom (the Roman Empire) still exist: "And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever."

The greater part of these prophetic events, as detailed by the two dreams, has already been fulfilled. Their detailed completion affirms the divine inspiration of the Bible. The odds of any person foreseeing this on his own defy credibility. "... There is a God in heaven who reveals secrets, and He has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what will be in the latter days" (Daniel 2:28).

The Bible's most detailed prophecy

Daniel 11 records another phenomenal prophecy. The chronological setting is given in Daniel 10:1 as the "third year of Cyrus king of Persia." A "man" (verse 5), no doubt an angel (compare Daniel 9:21), came to tell Daniel what would occur "in the latter days" (Daniel 10:14).

The prophecy that follows is the most detailed in all the Bible. The third year of Cyrus was more than 500 years before the birth of Christ. Yet this prophecy foretells events that began to occur almost immediately and will continue until the return of Christ. The initial stages of the prophecy confirm the Bible because they have already been fulfilled, as can be verified by a study of the Persian and Greek empires. No man could foresee such fine historical detail.

Some elements of what follows are intricate, requiring close attention. But a comparison of the prophetic words with the historical record makes them clear.

Protracted political intrigue

The first 35 verses of Daniel 11 give an account, written years in advance, of the intrigue between two political entities— the "king of the South" and the "king of the North." In secular history, the king of the South is often referred to as Ptolemy. The Ptolemaic dynasty ruled from Alexandria in Egypt. The king of the North ruled from Antioch in Syria under the name Seleucus, or Antiochus.

With this in mind, let's examine some of the details of the prophecy. It is important because it reveals the political climate and tensions in the Middle East preceding both the first and second appearances of Jesus Christ as the Messiah. In both instances, Jerusalem is at the center of the political conflicts of the time.

You can find more information on the historical fulfillment of much of this prophecy in resources such as The Expositor's Bible Commentary, which we quote below, or other reliable reference works. Rather than our quoting the entire scriptural passage, we recommend that you read in your own Bible the verses we cite, and remember that these details were foretold far in advance of their occurrence.

imageDaniel 11:2: The "three more kings" are Cambyses, the elder son of Cyrus; pseudo-Smerdis, an impostor who passed himself off as Cyrus's younger son, who had been secretly killed; and Darius the Persian. "The Persian king who invaded Greece was ... Xerxes, who reigned 485-464 B.C." (Expositor's, p. 128).

Verses 3-4: "Verse 3 introduces us to ... the rise of Alexander the Great" (ibid.). The language in verse 4 "clearly suggests that this mighty conqueror was going to have a comparatively brief reign ... In seven or eight years he accomplished the most dazzling military conquest in human history. But he lived only four years more; and ... died of a fever in 323 ..." (ibid.).

Alexander's kingdom was divided "among four smaller and weaker empires" (Expositor's, p. 129). Alexander's infant son had been murdered in 310 and an illegitimate brother assassinated in 317. "Thus there were no descendants or blood relatives to succeed Alexander himself" (ibid.). So his kingdom was not divided among his posterity (verse 4).

Alexander's generals warred for control of his empire. The ensuing struggles for domination eliminated all but four, who became heads of the four divisions of his empire. The four were Cassander, reigning in Greece and the West, Lysimachus in Thrace and Asia Minor, Ptolemy in Egypt and Seleucus in Syria. Of these four, two—Ptolemy and Seleucus—expanded their rule and territory. These were the kings of Egypt and Syria, respectively.

The machinations that follow relate to these two. They are referred to as the king of the South (Ptolemy) and the king of the North (Seleucus) because of their location relative to Jerusalem.

Verse 5: "The king of the South was to be Ptolemy I" (Expositor's, p. 130). The biblical expression "one of his princes" refers to Seleucus. He had originally served under Ptolemy. In the intrigue after Alexander's death, Seleucus ultimately gained control over Syria and became king of the North. Seleucus eventually wielded more power than Ptolemy. The dynasty of the Seleucid line was to continue until 64 B.C.

The Laodicean war

Verse 6: A state of tension and hostility existed between the king of the South and the king of the North. Ptolemy I died in 285 B.C. In 252 the two powers attempted a treaty under which Berenice, the daughter of Ptolemy II, was to marry Antiochus II, the king of the North. Laodice, the first wife of Antiochus II, was angry because he had divorced her. In retaliation, she manipulated a conspiracy from her place of banishment. She had Berenice and her infant son assassinated. "Not long afterward the king himself [Antiochus II] was poisoned ..." (ibid.).

Laodice established herself as queen, because her son Seleucus II was too young to rule. The prophecy "she [Berenice] shall be given up" refers to the coup that Laodice engineered to effect the execution of Berenice. Some nobles who had supported Berenice as queen were also brought down.

Verses 7-9: Retaliation followed. A series of military actions, which came to be known as the Laodicean War, resulted. Ptolemy II died soon after Laodice killed his daughter, Berenice. Ptolemy III sought to avenge his sister's death. He attacked the king of the North and captured the Syrian capital of Antioch. Verse 8 describes the recapture by Ptolemy of "long-lost idols and sacred treasures" (Expositor's, p. 131) that had been stolen from Egypt by Cambyses in 524 B.C.

Peace was concluded between Ptolemy III and Seleucus II in 240, and hostilities ceased until 221, when Ptolemy III died.

Verses 10-12: The sons of Seleucus II attacked the king of the South after their father died. One of these sons, Seleucus III, reigned for only three years. His military activity was relatively minor. He died by poisoning. Another son, Antiochus III (the Great), did "overwhelm and pass through." He conquered Judea.

Ptolemy IV, the king of the South, retaliated (verse 11) and defeated the larger army of Seleucus III at the Battle of Raphia. After his victory Ptolemy turned to a life of debauchery during which he slaughtered tens of thousands of Jews in Egypt (verse 12). Through all this he weakened his kingdom.

Verses 13-16: The phrase "at the end of some years" refers to an incident when, 14 years after his defeat, Antiochus III came against Ptolemy V, still a young boy. (Ptolemy IV had died in 203.) The Egyptian provinces were in turmoil because of the wretched rule of Ptolemy IV. Many of the people—including Jews sympathetic to the king of the North—joined with Antiochus against the king of the South. The rebellion was ultimately crushed by the Egyptian general Scopus (verse 14).

Scopus also rebuffed the forces of Antiochus during the winter of 201-200. The king of the North responded with another invasion. He captured the city of Sidon ("a fortified city"), where Scopus surrendered (verse 15). Antiochus acquired complete control of the Holy Land, the "Glorious Land" (verse 16).

Verse 17: The Revised English Bible reads: "He [the king of the North] will resolve to advance with the full might of his kingdom; and, when he has agreed terms with the king of the south, he will give his young daughter in marriage to him, with a view to the destruction of the kingdom; but the treaty will not last nor will it be his purpose which is served." Having defeated Scopus, Antiochus desired to gain control of Egypt itself. He gave his daughter, Cleopatra, to Ptolemy V in marriage. Antiochus believed she would act in his favor and betray the interests of her husband. But she frustrated his plans by siding with Ptolemy.

Verses 18-19: In his frustration, Antiochus attacked islands and cities of the Aegean area. He also gave asylum to Rome's enemy, Hannibal of Carthage, who assisted him in landing in Greece. Rome responded by attacking Antiochus and inflicting defeat on his forces. The Romans deprived him of much of his territory and took several hostages to Rome, including Antiochus's son. Rome exacted heavy tribute of him (verse 18).

Antiochus returned in disgrace to his stronghold, Antioch. Unable to pay the heavy fees exacted by the Romans, he attempted to plunder a pagan temple. His action so enraged local inhabitants that they killed him, bringing him to an inglorious end (verse 19).

Verse 20: While not Scripture, the apocryphal book of 2 Maccabees 3:7-40 says that Antiochus's other son, Seleucus IV, was also unable to pay the taxes. Seleucus sent a Jew, Heliodorus, to plunder the temple at Jerusalem. Heliodorus went to the holy city but obtained nothing. Seleucus was later poisoned by Heliodorus, and so killed, "but not in anger or in battle."

Antiochus Epiphanes

Daniel 11:21-35: These verses speak of the infamous Antiochus IV (known also as Epiphanes), the brother of Seleucus IV, who had earlier been taken hostage to Rome. He was a "tyrannical oppressor who did his utmost to destroy the Jewish religion altogether" (Expositor's, p. 136).

Antiochus passed laws that forbade the practice of the Jewish religion, under penalty of death. He was a man of incredible cruelty. On his orders "an aged Scribe, Eleazar, was flogged to death because he refused to eat swine's flesh. A mother and her seven children were successively butchered, in the presence of the governor, for refusing to pay homage to an image. Two mothers who had circumcised their new-born sons were driven through the city and cast headlong from the wall" (Charles Pfeiffer, Between the Testaments, 1974, pp. 81-82).

Verse 31: This refers to the momentous events of Dec. 16, 168 B.C., when a crazed Antiochus entered Jerusalem and killed 80,000 men, women and children (2 Maccabees 5:11-14). He then desecrated the temple by offering a sacrifice to the chief Greek god, Zeus. This outrage was a forerunner of a comparable event that Jesus Christ said would occur in the last days (Matthew 24:15).

imageVerses 32-35: These verses appear to describe, on one level, the indomitable will and courage of the Maccabees, a family of priests who resisted Antiochus and his successors. The Maccabees' revolt against the Syrian king was triggered when "Mattathias, the leading priest in the city of Modein ..., after killing the officer of Antiochus who had come to enforce the new decree concerning idolatrous worship ..., led a guerrilla band that fled to the hills ..." (Expositor's, p. 141).

Mattathias was aided in his cause by five sons, most notably Judah or Judas, nicknamed Maqqaba (Aramaic for hammer, whence derives the name Maccabees). Many of these patriots died in this cause, but their heroics ultimately drove the Syrian forces from the country.

On another level, these verses could even refer to the New Testament Church, with their references to mighty works, persecution and apostasy.

Indeed, at this point Daniel's prophecy definitely takes on a different tone, referring explicitly to "the time of the end" near the end of verse 35. To quote Expositor's: "With the conclusion of the preceding pericope [extract] at v. 35, the predictive material that incontestably applies to the Hellenistic empires and the contest between the Seleucids and the Jewish patriots ends. This present section (vv. 36-39) contains some features that hardly apply to Antiochus IV, though most of the details could apply to him as well as to his latter-day antitype, ‘the beast.'

"Both liberal and conservative scholars agree that all of chapter 11 up to this point contains strikingly accurate predictions of the whole sweep of events from the reign of Cyrus ... to the unsuccessful effort of Antiochus Epiphanes to stamp out the Jewish faith" (Expositor's, p. 143).

From this point forward a little more than a century would pass before the Roman general Pompey would conquer Jerusalem. Much of the Middle East passed to the control of the Roman Empire, and much of its power in turn passed to its eastern leg, the Byzantine Empire, in the following centuries.

But then, as we'll see in the next chapter, a remarkable new power and religion arose on the scene to dominate the Middle East for centuries—the Islamic Empire.

Source :

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Clientless SSL VPN remote access set-up guide for the Cisco ASA

Clientless SSL VPN remote access has its pluses and minuses. I’ve found it to be more complicated to set up and customize than remote access using the VPN client. However, with a bit of patience, you’ll find it’s actually quite flexible and provides a way to offer users access to needed resources in a very controlled environment, without having to manage a client install.

This will be a two-part article with the first part covering the initial setup and the second part going into more depth on the customization of the remote user interface.

Keep in mind that the SSL VPN remote access solution does have some limitations. In a clientless SSL session, the Cisco ASA acts as a proxy between the remote user and the internal resources. When accessing resources, the ASA establishes a secure connection and validates the server SSL certificate. This certificate is never seen by the end user. The ASA does not permit communication with sites that have invalid certificates.

As always, refer to for more detailed information and specific configuration variations.

In the following steps, I’ll set up the basics of Clientless SSL VPN access. I’ve supplied most of the command-line work here as well as the ASDM equivalent.

Step 1. Configure an identity certificate

Here, I am creating a general purpose, self-signed, identity certificate named sslvpnkey and applying that certificate to the “outside” interface. You can purchase a certificate through a vendor such as Verisign, etc., if you choose.

corpasa(config)#crypto key generate rsa label sslvpnkey
corpasa(config)#crypto ca trustpoint localtrust
corpasa(config-ca-trustpoint)#enrollment self
corpasa(config-ca-trustpoint)#fqdn sslvpn.
corpasa(config-ca-trustpoint)#keypair sslvpnkey
corpasa(config-ca-trustpoint)#crypto ca enroll localtrust noconfirm
corpasa(config)# ssl trust-point localtrust outside

Figure A

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

Step 2. Enable SSL VPN Access

corpasa(config-webvpn)#enable outside
corpasa(config-webvpn)#svc enable

Figure B

Click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge.

Step 3. Create a Group Policy

Group Policies are used to specify the parameters that are applied to clients when they connect. The remote access clients will need to be assigned an IP address during login; so we’ll set up an address pool for them, but you could also use a DHCP server if you have one.

corpasa(config)#ip local pool VPN mask

Next, I’ve made some modifications to the default group policy for items such as the dns-servers, the default domain, etc. Typically, the default group policy is where you will set up the global values common to most users.

Corpasa (config)#group-policy DfltGrpPolicy attributes
Corpasa (config-group-policy)# wins-server value
Corpasa (config-group-policy)#  dns-server value
Corpasa (config-group-policy)#  dns-server value
Corpasa (config-group-policy)# vpn-tunnel-protocol svc webvpn
Corpasa (config-group-policy)# split-tunnel-policy tunnelspecified
Corpasa (config-group-policy)# split-tunnel-network-list value inside-network
Corpasa (config-group-policy)#  address-pools value VPN

Figure C

Click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge.

Then, I’ll create a group policy named Operations. This is where I’ll configure the items specific to our SSL users, which in this case is the operations team.

Corpasa (config)#group-policy Operations internal
Corpasa (config)#group-policy Operations attributes
Corpasa (config-group-policy)#   banner value Tech Op Remote Access
Corpasa (config-group-policy)#   banner value Unauthorized access prohibited
Corpasa (config-group-policy)#   vpn-tunnel-protocol webvpn
Corpasa (config-group-policy)#   webvpn
Corpasa (config-group-webvpn)#  url-list value TechOps
Corpasa (config-group-webvpn)#  homepage none
Corpasa (config-group-webvpn)#  svc ask none default webvpn
Corpasa (config-group-webvpn)# customization value TechOps
Corpasa (config-group-webvpn)# hidden-shares visible
Corpasa (config-group-webvpn)#  file-entry enable
Corpasa (config-group-webvpn)#  file-browsing enable
Corpasa (config-group-webvpn)#  url-entry enable

Figure D

Click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge.

Step 4. Configure access list bypass

By using the sysopt connect command we tell the ASA to allow the SSL/IPsec clients to bypass the interface access lists.

corpasa(config)#sysopt connection permit-vpn

Step 5. Create a connection profile and tunnel group

As remote access clients connect to the ASA, they connect to a connection profile, which is also known as a tunnel group. We’ll use this tunnel group to define the specific connection parameters we want them to use during this SSL VPN session.

First, let’s create the tunnel group RA_SSL:

corpasa(config)# tunnel-group RA_SSL webvpn-attributes

Figure E

Click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge.

Next, I’ll assign the specific attributes:

corpasa(config)#tunnel-group RA_SSL webvpn-attributes
corpasa(config-tunnel-webvpn)# group-alias RA_SSL enable
corpasa(config-tunnel-webvpn)# customization TechOps
corpasa(config-webvpn)# group-url https://MyASAIP/RA_SSL enable

Figure F

Click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge.

Step 6. Configure NAT exemption

Now I need to tell the ASA not to NAT the traffic between the remote access clients and the internal network they will be accessing. First I’ll create an access list that defines the traffic, and then we’ll apply this list to the nat statement for our interface.

corpasa(config)#access-list no_nat extended permit
corpasa(config)#nat (inside) 0 access-list no_nat

Figure G

Click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge.

Step 7. Configure user accounts

Now we’re ready for some user accounts. Here I’ll create a user and assign this user to our remote access VPN. While you are setting up local accounts here, you can also configure domain servers and use domain authentication if you choose to do so.

corpasa(config)#username hyde password l3tm3in
corpasa(config)#username hyde attributes
corpasa(config-username)#service-type remote-access

Figure H

Click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge.

Finishing up:

Don’t forget to save your configuration to memory.

corpasa#write memory

Verify your configuration by establishing a remote access session and use the following show command to view session details.

corpasa #show vpn-sessiondb webvpn

This should get the basics of your SSL VPN remote access configured on the Cisco ASA. Unfortunately, your users won’t have many resources until you configure them. In part 2, I’ll look at how to customize the SSL VPN portal to provide the required access for your remote users. Stay tuned!

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